●MIT 미디어 랩:

●미디어 랩 유럽:

●미디어 랩 아시아:

MIT 미디어랩은 최고의 연구기관으로써 인정을 받고 있는 조직이다.

MIT 미디어 랩은 유럽과 아시아에도 연구소가 있으며, 전체적으로 지금 현재 약 470여개의 프로젝트들이 진행중에 있다.

새로운 아이디어와 기술들이 이 MIT미디어 랩을 통하여 많이 개발되었다. MIT미디어랩의 프로젝트를 이해하고 분석함으로써 신기술 동향을 이해할 수 있을 것이다.

이곳 코너에서는 지금 현재 MIT 미디어 랩 홈페이지에서 제공하는 영문 자료만 정리하여 제공하고 있지만, 조만간 한글로 내용을 요약하여 제공할 할 예정이다.

MIT 미디어랩에서 유비쿼터스와 가장 밀접하게 관련된 컨소시엄으로는 "Things That Think"가 있다. 현재 27개 프로젝트로 구성되어 있다.(한국에서는 LG, 삼성, 정보통신대학교가 스폰서를 하고 있다.)


[MIT미디어 랩]

 MIT미디어랩에는 34개의 프로젝트 그룹이 있는데, 이러한 프로젝트 그룹에서 평균 10개 정도의 세부 프로젝트를 진행하며, 2004년 3월 현재 361개의 세부프로젝트가 진행되고 있습니다.

이러한 세부 프로젝트를 바탕을 하여 5개의 컨소시엄과 5개의 SIG(Special Interest Group)이 있습니다.

컨소시엄은 외부에서 스폰서를 받아서 진행하는 프로젝트이며, SIG는 MIT 미디어 랩에서 관심있게 연구하는 분야입니다.



Changing places

Digital Life

Digital Nations

Information Organized

Things That Think

Counter Intelligence


gray matters

personal fabrication

silicon biology

 프로젝트 그룹


Electronic Publishing

Spatial Imaging

Synthetic Characters

Object-Based Media

Robotic Life

Future of Learning(1)/ (2)


Computing Culture

Interactive Cinema

Sociable Media

Physics and Media


Tangible Media

Molecular Machines


Software Agents

Viral Communications

Opera of the Future

Physical Language Workshop

Interactive Experience

Nanoscale Sensing

Grassroots Invention

Society of Mind

Smart Cities

Responsive Environments

Human Dynamics

Affective Computing

Lifelong Kindergarten

Cognitive Machines

Speech Interfaces

Context-Aware Computing

Music, Mind and Machine


[미디어 랩 유럽]

Intimate interface 연구

Adaptive Speech Interfaces

Common Sense

Everyday Learning

Human Connectedness

Liminal Devices


Palpable Machines

Story Networks

Trusting Technologies


[미디어 랩 아시아]

프로젝트 그룹

World Computer

Bits for All

Tomorrow's Tools

Digital Village

I/O Brush 

-audio pad

-tap track

[프로젝트 분석]

"e-markets" SIG(special interest group)은 "eRationality"연구 그룹에서 이끌고 있습니다. "e-market"은 "eRationality"에서 진행하는 프로젝트 뿐만 아니라 다른 연구 그룹의 프로젝트까지 포함하고 있습니다.

e-market는 크게 3가지 목표를 가지고 있습니다.

1) Examining existing and emerging electronic marketplaces
2) Imagining and designing new electronic marketplaces
3) Building tools and techniques for enabling electronic marketplaces

즉, 전자상거래 시장의 현재와 미래를 살펴보고, 새로운 전자상거래 시장을 디자인하고 구상해보는 것입니다. 또한 이러한 시장을 위한 도구와 기술들을 개발하는것입니다.

전자상거래 시장의 예로 LG e-shop과 같은 전자 쇼핑몰, 옥션과 같은 경매 사이트를 들 수 있을 것입니다.

"e-market"연구의 주요 토픽으로는 다음과 같은 것들이 있습니다.

profiling and privacy,
recommendation systems,
decision support for buyers and sellers,
agents that buy and sell,
negotiation protocols,
markets for goods and services,
new payment systems,
just-in-time economic organizations,
mobile devices for shopping,
tagging technology,
new technologies for shopping and entertainment media,
"click and mortar" technologies,
smart homes,
markets as a resource distribution mechanism,
cost-appropriate and self-sustaining technologies for e-commerce and sustainable development.

e-market와 eRationality의 세부프로젝트 리스트입니다. 서로 겹치는 프로젝트가 일부 있습니다. 각각 15개와 9개의 프로젝트이지만 겹치는 부분을 고려하면 여러분이 공부해야될 프로젝트는 그보다 적습니다.

[e-market]에 속하는 세부 프로젝트입니다. (15개)
Active Messenger
Auction Behavior
Autonomous Interactive Intermediaries
Conversation Finder for Socially Aware Communication
E-Commerce When Things Go Wrong
E-Commerce When You Don't Know What You Want
Robotic F.A.C.E.: Facial Alerting in a Communication Environment
Robotic P.A.C.E.: Parrot Alerting in a Communication Environment
Safe & Sound

[eRationality]에 속하는 세부 프로젝트입니다.(9개)
Acting on Advice from Computer Agents
Active-Learning Smart Agents
Arbitrary Coherence in Behavioral Economics
Auction Behavior
Day-to-Day Monitoring for e-Health
Deterministic vs. Contingent Ending Rules in Online Auctions
Expiring Coupons for e-Markets
Inferring Values from Others in Online Auctions


[Active Messenger]
e-mail을 사용하기 전에는 편지를 주고 받았다. 사무실이나 집 우편함에 편지가 도착하는지 알아보기 위하여 매일같이 편지함을 살펴본다. 비서나 우편 담당자가 있으면 우편물을 분류하여 해당자 책상까지 우편물을 가져다 주기도 한다.
회사 사장처럼 바쁜 경우에는 비서가 편지 내용물까지 확인하여 책상위에 잘 정리하여 놓거나 때로는 편지물의 내용물까지 요약해서 읽어주기도 한다. 사장이 출장간 경우에는 급한 경우에는 출장지까지 팩스나 전화같은 수단을 통해서 우편 내용을 전달해 주기도 한다.

이제는 e-mail의 시대이다. 예전의 편지를 다루던 것처럼 비슷한 상황이 발생한다. 메일이 도착했는지 컴퓨터 앞에 앉으면 e-메일함을 체크한다. 때로는 편지가 도착했다고 컴퓨터 하단에 아이콘이 깜빡깜빡거리면서 알려주기도 한다.

바쁜 업무때문에 컴퓨터에 미처 접속을 못하거나 할 수도 있다. 하지만 그 메일은 상당히 중요한 메일일수도 있다. 또한, 수 많은 메일중에 정말 급한 메일만 선택하여 사용자에게 우선적으로 전달해줄 필요가 있다.

Active Messenger는 e-mail을 받았을때 사용자가 어디에 있더라도 확실하게 e-mail을 수신 할 수 있도록 해준다. 휴대폰 문자메세지, MSN 메신저, 팩스, 유선 전화 등 사용자가 현 상황에서 가장 확실하게 편지를 받아 볼 수 있는 방법을 찾는다.
또한, 편지의 중요도를 구분하여 어떠한 전달 수단을 쓸지 결정도 한다. 정말 급한것은 휴대폰을 통하고, 좀 덜 급한것은 팩스를 선정할 수 있다. 또한, 사무실이냐 가정이냐에 따라서도 전달 수단이 결정된다.

사용자의 과거의 통신기록이나, 통신 특성에 근거하여 사용자의 위치를 추측할 수 도 있다.

결론적으로 사용자의 위치와 메세지의 중요도에 따라 어떤 디바이스를 통해 메세지를 보낼지 결정을 한다. 가능한 여러가지 디바이스를 차례대로 사용자가 수신이 가능할 때까지 검색해 간다.

이러한 Active Messenger는 지능형 서비스 로봇이라고 할 수 있다. 보통 Agent라고 하는 소프트웨어 비서이다. 사용자의 현재 정보, 취향등을 고려하여 사용자에게 정말 급한 메세지를 분류해내고 확실한 전달 수단을 찾아서 메세지를 전달하게 된다.

이게 바로 유비쿼터스적인 개념이다., 언제 어디서나 사용자에게 중요한 정보가 항상 도달 할 수 있도록 하는 것이다.

특히, 요즘같이 정보의 홍수 및 스팸메일에 시달릴때는 사용자에게 꼭 필요한 정보만을 걸러내는 필터성능이 무엇보다도 중요할 것이다.

Active Messenger가 상용서비스화 되었을때 과연 누가 사용하게 될 것이며, 수익성이 있을까? 수익창출은 어떠한 과정을 통하여 이루어질까요? 개발을 한다면 어떠한 기술이 필요할까요?

한 번 생각해 봐요.....

[Active Messenger 응용]
이 프로젝트에서는 e-mail을 어떻게 사용자에게 항상 수신이 가능하도록 할까라는 주제를 가지고 연구되고 있습니다.

우리는 이 프로젝트를 기반으로 하여 좀 더 나아가 e-mail뿐만 아니라 사용자에게 전달이 되려고 하는 모든 형태의 정보, 예를 들어 e-mail, 문자메세지, 팩스, 인터넷 게시판, 집이나 사무실 방문 정보 등등.. 사용자에게 전달이 되어야 하는 모든 정보에 대한 문제로 확대해 생각해 볼 수 있을 것입니다.

1)집이나 사무실에 자리를 비운사이에 누군가 찾아와서 메모를 남기고 갔을때 그 메모가 사용자에게 전달이 되고자 하는 것: 집에 누군가 방문했을때 초인종과 휴대폰을 연결하여 원격지에서도 집에 누가 찾아왔는지 알수 있게 해주는 서비스가 홈 네트워크 분야에서 연구되고 있습니다.

2)팩스: 유선 팩스를 컴퓨터가 수신하여 e-mail로 전달 받을 수도 있습니다. 예를 들어 해외로 출장을 간 사이에 도착하는 팩스를 컴퓨터가 수신한다면 해외 출장지에서도 e-mail이나 게시판을 통하여 팩스를 확인할 수 있습니다. 또는, U-프린팅 서비스를 이용하여 출장지에서 직접 출력물을 받아 볼 수 도 있습니다.

3)자동 응답기능: 메세지를 사용자가 받을 형편이 되지 않을 경우에는 정보 송신자에게 기본적인 정보를 reply해주는 기능입니다. 실례로 출장 등으로 인하여 e-mail을 수신하지 못할 때 "부재증"이라는 응답 메일을 자동으로 해주는 기능을 많이 사용하고 있습니다. Reply의 목적지도 송신자의 상황에 따라서 다양한 장치를 통해서 전달해 줄 수 있습니다. 컴퓨터를 사용하는 사용자라면 MSN메신저같은 것을 이용하여 쪽지창을 띄워줄수 있을 것입니다.

Active Messenger 포스터 ver1.0


Active Messenger 포스터 ver2.0



■ Changing Places

Changing Places (CP), a joint Media Lab and Department of Architecture consortium, explores how new technologies, materials, and strategies for design can make possible dynamic, evolving places that respond to the complexities of life. It is an expansion of the MIT House_n Consortium. Central to this research is the development of a home-scale, occupied "Living Laboratory"an agile facility to test new design, construction, and digital infrastructure concepts. The Living Lab will enable ongoing scientific studies into the real-world impact of design and technology for preventative health care, energy/resource conservation, human-environment interfaces, and links between the home and changing places of healing, work, learning, and community.


■ Digital Life
Digital Life (DL) conducts basic research on technologies and techniques that spur human expression as well as social and economic activity. Digital Life operates in close collaboration with industrial and research partners to explore ideas in the context of their use, recognizing that change occurs when the magic of invention is driven by existing or emergent human behavior. Currently, the program has three broad directions: [1] Organic Networks, which combines a re-examination of the physics of radio to construct viral communications systems with the intelligence at the ends. The grassroots nature of these systems allows people to innovate both locally and organically, much as the PC migrated innovation from the mainframe to the individual; [2] 10X, which considers technologies that can improve human activity by an order of magnitude, including bionics, robotic and cognitive assistants, and human learning. 10X envisions intimately connected analytical and mechanical systems working with, as well as for, human interests; and [3] Common-Sense Computing, which is an attempt to reinvigorate artificial intelligence by developing a cognitive architecture that can support many features of human intelligent thinking. From this base, we aim to develop systems that are robust to changing environments, assumptions, and problems.


■ Digital Nations

Digital Nations (DN) aims to address major social challenges (improving education, enhancing health care, supporting community development) through the innovative design and use of new technologies. The consortium's ultimate goal is to empower people in all walks of life to invent new opportunities for themselves and their societies. The consortium focuses especially on populations with the greatest needschildren and seniors, underserved communities, and developing nations.


■ Information Organized
Information Organized (IO) seeks simplicity in understanding and interacting with complex digital information systems. We design and develop working prototypes of systems that chart the next generation of experiences. These prototypes use technology that consistently makes sense, fulfills the soul, and keeps us coming back for more. Through collaborative work by researchers that span the entire Media Lab, IO research encompasses creative learning, "meaning mining," ambient interactions, and deep interfaces.


■ Things That Think

Things That Think (TTT) is inventing the future of digitally augmented objects and environments. TTT brings a unique, boundary-breaking perspective to research, uniting leaders in science, engineering, design, and art. Grounded by extensive corporate sponsor interaction, TTT prototypes and demonstrations aim to inspire the products and services of tomorrow.


[Speical Interest Group]

■ Counter Intelligence Counter Intelligence is focused on developing a digitally connected, self-aware kitchen with knowledge and memory of its activities. The program explores new foods, new technologies for preparing food, and new social interactions that will arise in the kitchen of the future. The plan is to invent and experiment with new utensils, appliances, and communications media that can be applied in domestic settings. Unlike an office or a living room, the kitchen is the locus of the most intense family interaction, as well as much tool and appliance usage. This makes it a fundamentally interesting context for new research.


■ e-markets

e-markets is focused on understanding devices, technology, and humans as they interface in a market setting; the new forms that transactions may take in a networked world; and the new social and economic order that may result. The program creates tools and techniques for enabling electronic marketplaces, for engaging all segments of society in the new economy, and for freeing transactions from the desktop as well as the corner store. A unique feature of e-markets is its collaboration with MIT's Sloan School of Management.


■ Gray Matters
Gray Matters explores how computation and communication can enrich the lives of older persons now and in the decades ahead. It focuses on making the "third age" more fun, more energized, and more connected than ever before. Longer lifespans and better technologies mean more opportunities for new experiences, from wearable computing to online communities.


■ Personal Fabrication

Personal Fabrication is about making things, and about the future of how things are made, from nano- to macroscale. It has two basic goals: first, to involve members in learning new fabrication techniques (CAD tools, 3-D printing, laser cutting, vacuum forming, AFM assemblers), and second, to introduce them to the latest developments and possible future applications of rapid and desktop fabrication.


■ Silicon Biology
Silicon Biology explores how micro- and nanoscale fabrication technologies offer fundamentally new ways to probe, to understand, and ultimately to control complex biological systems.


[연구 프로젝트 그룹]


■ eRationality
How we can understand human behavior (rationality, semi-rationality, bounded rationality, and just plain irrationality) in day-to-day behaviors, and in particular in electronic environments.

■ Electronic Publishing

How to distill meaning from complex everyday experiences.

■ Spatial Imaging

How to invent new, computer-generated, 3-D displays that are viewable without glasses, using a variety of holographic and other optical techniques. Stephen Benton passed away in November, 2003. His research is continued by his colleagues, listed below.

■ Synthetic Characters

How to build characters that have the everyday common sense, the ability to learn, and the sense of empathy that one finds in animals such as dogs.

■ Object-Based Media

How to create communication systems that gain an understanding of the content they carry and use it to make richer connections among users.

■ Robotic Life

How to build cooperative machines that work and learn in partnership with people.

■ Future of Learning(1)

How to redefine and expand the conceptual framework and language of learning by creating new technologies and spheres of practice. For more Future of Learning projects, see Seymour Papert.

■ Quanta

How we can construct information technology and intelligence from the fundamental building blocks of physical media: atoms and molecules.

■ Computing Culture

How artists can refigure technology to address the full range of human experience.

■ Interactive Cinema

How creators, editors, and audience can blend into one, weaving and navigating paths within the media fabric.

■ Sociable Media

How to create better online environments and interfaces for human communication.

■ Physics and Media

How materials and mechanisms integrate the bits of the digital world with the atoms of our physical world.

■ Biomechatronics

How technology can be used to enhance human physical capability.

■ Tangible Media

How to design seamless interfaces among humans, digital information, and the physical environment.

■ Molecular Machines

How to engineer logic and machines on the molecular scale.

■ House_n

How new technologies, materials, and strategies for design can make possible dynamic, evolving places that respond to the complexities of life.

■ Software Agents

How software can act as an assistant to the user rather than a tool, by learning from interaction and by proactively anticipating the users needs.

■ Viral Communications

How to construct agile, scalable, collaborative systems.

■ Opera of the Future

How musical composition, performance, learning, and expression can be facilitated for professionals and amateurs through the design of new interfaces.

■ Physical Language Workshop

How simplifying the basic tools for digital expression will lead to a new creative digital economy.

■ Interactive Experience

How ubiquitous, interactive, intuitive interfaces can be responsive to our interests and expand our minds.

■ Nanoscale Sensing

How to detect the activity of biological molecules with micro- and nanofabricated devices.

■ Grassroots Invention
How to engineer and disseminate powerful, low-cost design and fabrication technologies at a grassroots level.

■ Society of Mind

How various phenomena of mind emerge from the interactions among many kinds of highly evolved brain mechanisms.

■ Smart Cities

How buildings and cities can become more intelligently responsive to the needs and desires of their inhabitants.

■ Future of Learning(2)

How to redefine and expand the conceptual framework and language of learning by creating new technologies and spheres of practice. For a complete listing of the Future of Learning group's projects, see David Cavallo.

■ Responsive Environments

How new sensing modalities and enabling technologies can create new forms of interactive experience and expression.

■ Human Dynamics

How technology can be used to redefine the structure and performance of human organizations.

■ Affective Computing

How computational systems can sense, recognize, and understand human emotions and respond.

■ Lifelong Kindergarten

How to engage people in creative learning experiences.

■ Cognitive Machines

How machines can learn to communicate in deeply meaningful ways.

■ Speech Interfaces

How speech technologies and portable devices can enhance communication.

■ Context-Aware Computing

How to design machines that use what we do, where we are, and how we feel to add to our social, educational, and functional success.

■ Music, Mind and Machine

How to build intelligent music systems.


[프로젝트 리스트]

■ eRationality

Acting on Advice from Computer Agents

Active-Learning Smart Agents

Arbitrary Coherence in Behavioral Economics

Auction Behavior


Day-to-Day Monitoring for e-Health

Deterministic vs. Contingent Ending Rules in Online Auctions

Expiring Coupons for e-Markets

Inferring Values from Others in Online Auctions


■ Electronic Publishing



Community CompilerDigital Mirror

eRadio: Empowerment Through Community Electronic Radio


Image Maps

Open Corpus

Roots, Fruits, and Shoots

Second Messenger


The Expertise Crucible

Topology of Learning and Correction in Dynamic Balance

What Was I Thinking?

Who's Got Game?


■ Spatial Imaging

Autostereoscopic Video Displays for Multiple ViewersEdge-Lit Holograms

Full-Parallax Synthetic Holograms

Haptic Holography

Holographic Fly's-Eye Autostereoscopic Display

Holographic Laser Printer

Holovideo Display Interface Circuit

iLOS, In Line of Sight Display

Insights from Aerospace: Transitions into Automobile Cockpits

Three-Dimensional Capture and Virtual Cinematographer


■ Synthetic Characters

C5: Development and Learning

Dobie: Integrated Learning for Interactive Synthetic Characters

Don't Tease the Animals

Growing Up Virtual: The Computational Lessons of Development

Learning From and About Others: Social Learning for Synthetic Characters


Music Creatures

Perceiving Emotional Affect in Vocalizations

Synthetic Characters Skunk Works


■ Object-Based Media

BYOB: Build Your Own Bag

Eye Society


Miniature Video Projector (Personal Projection)

Paintable Computing


Smart Architectural Surfaces

Viper: Responsive Object-Based Media


■ Robotic Life

Artificial Fruit

How to Teach a Robot Manipulation Skills by Demonstration

Human-Robot Cooperation

Human-Robot Interaction Studies

Novel Actuators

Robotic Computer

Robotic Flowers

Socially Guided Robot Learning

Speech and Motor Synchronization for Robotic Creatures

Synthetic Skin for Robots


■ Future of Learning(1)

1-Teacher Schools


Full-Contact Poetry

GoGo Board: A Personalized Technology Toolset for Learning

Learning and Community Development

Learning as a Basis for Sustainable Development

Learning Hubs

Programming Continuum

Redesigning Urban Learning Environments


Roots, Fruits, and Shoots

Sharing Emotions Through Active Expression

The City that We Want (A Cidade que a Gente Quer)


■ Quanta



Molecular Control with NMR



■ Computing Culture

Acoustic Chase

Critical Cartography

DJ I, Robot


Haptic Opposition

Machine Therapy

Open Government Information Awareness


Sensible Cities


Throwing Light


■ Interactive Cinema

Cinematic Commonsense

Emonic Environment

Improvisational Media Fabrics




Objects with Attitude

Participatory Networked Camera

Tangible Spatial Narratives

Tangible StorySims


Video Weblogs


■ Sociable Media


Artifacts of the Presence Era


Chat Circles


Multiples of News

Newsgroup Database (NGDB)


Social Network Fragments




■ Physics and Media

Digital Stamp

Field Imaging

Microfluidic Logic

Paintable Computing

Shaped Ultrafast Pulse Optical Pumping of NMR Systems

Table-Top Chemistry


■ Biomechatronics

A Powered Leg Orthosis for the Neuromuscularly Impaired

Active Ankle-Foot Orthosis

Biologically Realistic Leg Prostheses

Bipedal Balancing Using Integrated Movement of Non-Contact Limbs

Control of Muscle-Actuated Systems Via Electrical Stimulation

Human Walking Biomechanics

Humanoid Walking Control Using Angular Momentum Partition

Leg Orthosis for Locomotory Endurance Amplification

Magnetorheological Transfemoral Prosthesis


■ Tangible Media

Actuated Mesh

Actuated Workbench



Door Collision Avoidance Sensor

i/o Brush

Illuminating Clay

Interfacing Electronics to Living Plants




Sketch Interface

Super Cilia Skin

Tangible Bits

Tangible Interface for Drivers



■ Molecular Machines

Building MEMS with Nanoparticles

Electronic Ink and Electronic Paper


Micro-Electro Mechanical Devices (MEMS)

Printed Displays

Printed Electro-Mechanical Systems (PEMS)

Printed Electronics

Printed Machines

Rewritable Substrates for Printing and Large-Scale Reflective Displays


■ House_n

Activity Recognition in the Home Setting Using Simple and Ubiquitous Sensors

Connections: Chassis and Infill

Design Engine for Mass Customization of Houses

Distributed Network: Connecting Anything, Anywhere, Anytime

Dressed for Living

Evolutionary Adaptation

Light House

Light Life

MetaField 2: Encouraging Physical, Cognitive, and Social Activity

Recognizing Activities in Daily Living in the Home Setting

Translucent, Super-Insulating, Power Generating Roof

Urban Narratives

Web-Based Tools for Universal Design


■ Software Agents

A Common-Sense Approach to Predictive Text Entry

Agent-Application Communication

Agents for Integrated Annotation and Retrieval of Images

An Advisory Agent for Web Browsing

Common-Sense and Semantic Understanding for ARIA

Common-Sense Reasoning for Interactive Applications

E-Commerce When Things Go Wrong

E-Commerce When You Don't Know What You Want

Emotus Ponens: Affective Story Understanding for Agents


Goal-Oriented Web Search User Interfaces

Graphical Interfaces for Software Visualization and Debugging

Information Pipette

Instructible Agents

Intelligent Technical Documentation

MakeBelieve: Interactive Computer Story Generation Using Common Sense

MARCO: Mutual Disambiguation of Recognition Errors in a Multimodal Navigational Agent

Navigating in Very Large Display Spaces

Real-Time Searches on a Local Social Network

Teaching Agents to Recognize Text

Using Common-Sense Reasoning in Video Game Design

Using Common-Sense Reasoning to Enable the Semantic Web

Using Common-Sense Reasoning to Find Cultural Differences in Text

Using Common-Sense Reasoning to Improve Voice Recognition


■ Viral Communications

Collaborative (Viral) Wireless Communication Networks

Cooperative Transport Protocols

DiVA: The Distributed Video Appliance

Economic Models for Cooperative Media Distribution

Network Beatles: Tabletop Location Estimation through Wireless Communication and Networking

Project Mayhem: Enabling Peer-to-Peer, Decentralized, and Self-Organizing Systems

Viral Photography


■ Opera of the Future




Hyperviolin Bow

Music Shapers


Technology and Creative Music Education

Toy Symphony

Voice Patterns


■ Physical Language Workshop

Design for Complex Information

How to Program Visual Systems


Treehouse Studio


■ Interactive Experience

Ambient Semantics

Collective Memory/Collective Intelligence

ether GPS

Ether Threads

Evocative Portrait

Extending Portraiture


Shadow Vehicles

What Would They Think?


■ Nanoscale Sensing

Field-Effect Biosensors

High-Resolution Interferometric Accelerometer


Molecular-Scale Device Fabrication


■ Grassroots Invention

Beyond Black Boxes: Rethinking Science Learning






Learning Independence Networks


Programmable Bricks

Sensors for Science Education

The Pleasure of Making Things

The Tower: A Modular Electronics Design Environment


■ Society of Mind

Architectures for Common-Sense Computing

How Cars Make People Feel



Open Mind Common Sense

Robots with Common Sense

Society of Mind


■ Smart Cities

Building Blocks in the Mass-Customized Era

Car in the City

Comparative Design Processes: Architecture vs. Automotive

Concept Car with General Motors and Frank O. Gehry

Curbside Sensor

Exploring the Solution Space: Parametric Design

Genealogy of the Car

Smart Cities meets Human Design


■ Future of Learning(2)

Empowering Minds

Improving Schools from the Inside-Out

Laptop Computing in Classrooms


Speaking on the Record


■ Responsive Environments

Design Principles for Efficient Smart Sensor Systems

Functional Integration for Embedded Intelligence

Localization and Sensing Applications in the Pushpin Computing Network

Modular Platform for High-Density Wireless Sensing

Parasitic Mobility for Sensor Networks

Phenomenological Model for Distributed Systems

Pushpin Computing

Real-Time 3-D Volumetric Sensing

Self-Organized Pixellated Vibrotactile Input-Output Device

Tribble: The Robotic Interactive Ball-Based Living Entity

Wearable Badge for Distributed Systems with Multiple Channels of Communication

Wireless Wearable System for Gait Evaluation


■ Human Dynamics

Learning Humans


Reality Mining

Shortcuts: Creating Small Worlds

Smart Cities meets Human Design

The I Sensed Series: Wearables for Capturing Your Past

Unwiring the World

VitaMon: Long-Term Health and Behavior Monitoring


■ Affective Computing

300M IT Edition

Adaptive, Wireless, Signal Detection and Decoding

Affective Learning Companion

Affective Mirror

Affective Tangibles

Automatic Facial Expression Analysis


Detection and Analysis of Driver Stress

Gene Expression Data Analysis

Moral Sensors

Mouse-Behavior Analysis and Adaptive Relational Agents

Pattern Recognition and Learning

Personal Heart-Stress Monitor

Posture Recognition Chair

Robotic Computer

Sharing Emotions Through Active Expression

Wearable Relational Devices for Stress Monitoring


■ Lifelong Kindergarten

Active Essays

Beyond Black Boxes: Rethinking Science Learning

Computer Clubhouse



Digital Manipulatives


Pearls of Wisdom


Programmable Bricks


System Blocks: A Physical Interface for System Dynamics Simulation

Young Activists Network (YAN)


■ Cognitive Machines

A Situation-Aware Reflective Car

Elvis: A Situation-Aware Conversational Chandelier

Fluid Coordination of Language and Movement for a Conversational Robot

Goal-Driven Behavior for a Conversational Robot

Learning Words for Actions

Mental Models and Mental Imagery for a Conversational Robot

Multi-Level Understanding of Situated Language

Object Vision for Language

Patent Semantics



■ Speech Interfaces

Active Messenger

Autonomous Interactive Intermediaries

Conversation Finder for Socially Aware Communication


Digit Spotter




Robotic F.A.C.E.: Facial Alerting in a Communication Environment

Robotic P.A.C.E.: Parrot Alerting in a Communication Environment

Safe & Sound

SimPhony: Voice Group Communication





■ Context-Aware Computing

300M IT Edition

Attentional Mixer

Chameleon Car

Context-Aware Tables

Contextual Jukebox

Digital Cigarette


Disruptive Interruptions


Food Oracle

Gesture Ball

Information Annotation of the Kitchen


iSphere: a Sensible 3-D Control Device

Living Food

Media Windshield

Meet and Do: Automated Meeting Minutes

Multimedia Bed


Tactile Feedback for Singing and Music Performance

WaterBot: A Persuasive Technology to Motivate Water Conservation


■ Music, Mind and Machine

Audio Spotlight

Automatic Generation of Sound Synthesis Techniques

Community Metadata for Informed Music Retrieval

Formalized Auditory Scene Analysis

Instrument Identification Through a Simulated Cochlear Implant Processing System

Melody Retrieval on the Web

Modeling Musical Structure

Radio, Radio

Recording Studios Without Walls: Geographically Unrestricted Music Collaboration

Singing Voice Parameterization and Re-synthesis

Structured Audio


미디어 랩 유럽


■ Adaptive Speech interface

UI on the fly


Wizard-of-Oz: A platform for corpus collection

Analysis of Hyperspeech


Media Dive

More than words...

Multimodal Centering

Adaptive Speech Synthesis

Rhetorical Analysis with Support Vector Machines



■ Common Sense

Deep Background

Experiential Computing

Grounded Code


■ Everyday learning

Amble Time

Magic Writing

Nature Trailer

Smoke Rings


Commn Sense

Liberating Learning

Multimodal Networked Interfaces for Collaborative Music Learning



Dimensional Reading

Dino Stable

Electro Jewels

Empowering Minds Learning Network

Sensors for Science Education


■ Human connectedness

Breakout for Two




One2One (Floral Display)

Open Window


Portrait of Cati




WANDerful Alcove


Desktop Subversibles



Transparent Headphones




■ Liminal devices



Think and Spell


■ Mind games

Affective Agent



Brain Child

Breathing Space

Diffuse Optical Tomography


Mental Leaps

Mind Balance

Paint Affects

Peace Composed

Phantom Limb

Relax to Win

Still Life

Virtually Healthy


■ Palpable machines


Handling Perspective

reAction Figures



Touch Football

Touch TV

Touching Tales


■ Story networks

Context-aware, sensible cinema

Hopstory v.2

Interactive Portrait of the Liberties

International workshop on creative media making and sharing


Nature Trailer

Passing Glances

Sin Sceal Eile

Stories for Remote Places: the Selkie story

Textable Game

Textable movies

Computer-assisted schizophrenia: a multitrack video sampler for poor improvised theater

Hopstory v.1

Live cinema

Office Voodoo

Tangible narrative objects

World as Game Board



미디어 랩 아시아


■ World Computer

Rural Operating Systems

Speech Interfaces For Local Dialects

Visual Language

Interfaces for All

Interlingua Web

Multi-Literate Interfaces

Literacy Learning Through Pictures


■ Bits for All

Rural WiFi


Digital Gangetic Plain

Off-Line Internet Access

Rural VoIP


■ Tomorrow's Tools

Mapping For the Masses

Community Access to Sustainable Health (Ca:sh)

Building Robots Creating Science (BRiCS)

Digital Craft Revival

Digital Human Body

Digital Music




Complex RF Impedance Analyzers

UV-VIS Spectrometer

Power Sensors

Think Cycle


■ Digital Village

Sustainable Access In Rural India

Community Connection

Digital Mandi


Rural Hisaab

Grassroots ICT